Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my 33rd Birthday! So this was me as I was about to leave out the door for a blind date that I had last night. One final look at my appearance and I thought my hair looks great let me capture it, so of course with Jada as my dedicated photographer random pics and hair shots are always capturable.......This is the same braidout from my last post too! I'm loving it more now with the soft wave. My date went very well too! Well enough to go out on a 2nd date with him this weekend......that is all I will say about that for now, who knows if the future holds anything more then maybe more will be posting about it. For now, I am just going with the flow. I am open to meeting someone but I am in no rush. 2nd time will be a charm so if it takes me 100 years to find him then so be it. In any event, I have no birthday plans today. I am just thanking God that I am healthy and alive. With my kids being at school I went for a jog, something that I have been so lax about it felt really good too. I also just had a beautiful conversation with a dear friend of mine who I can always count on for encouragement and support. So, here is to another joyful year on this earth........


Lakia said...

Happy birthday Miss Lady. I am glad you enjoyed your date.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday. i hope your date goes well.

*Coop* said...

Happy belated birthday! 33 never looked so good. :-) You're fabulous!

Kandgoods said...

Happy belated b-day!
The locks look so good, the colour really compliments your skin tone!