Thursday, January 22, 2009

More pics of jada's 1 year old braidlocks


JUST Euphoria said...

Jada looks pretty in her braid locks. I love Carols Daughter products to, I have a question: my locks are 7 months old and I have the Rosemary Mint Herbal Shampoo with Sea Moss it has a detangling formula in it, I am ready to start experimenting outside the SL line. I guess my question is would it hurt my locks being that the shampoo is a detangler?

DJT said...

Honestly, I didn't used Carols Daughter Shmapoo on my hair until it was well over 1 year. I used that one too..I wouldn't use that yet because if youy hair is anything like mine, it did not start to fully locked until 1 year. I used Aveda's Rosemary Mint exclusively until very recently....Even to that, I only stray away from that now that I can use any shampoo for the scent of other shampoos. What i would be fearful of is hte ends bunching...hope this helps!

JUST Euphoria said...

thanks so much for the advice and as much as I wanted to use carols Daughter that samll little voice kept saying DON'T DO IT!! so i didnt