Friday, March 14, 2008

Loc Loops Feedback

Here is the first day after I took down the Lopc Loops. They are not as tight as the first time I used them using Salkis' setting technique. I opted not to sit under the dryer at all because I was in for the night but I defintely like how I am not too tight at all.....

When I used my loc loops for the first time and they lived up to their expectation, I wrote Carole of Coils and Curls and the creator of Loc Loops a letter telling her how I loved her product and their effect on my tresses. I also sent her some snapshots of my hair. For me, I think with sisters and brothers embracing their true selves through natural hair and entreprenuers who encourage and foster that love of self and self awareness by creating and marketing a product, it is great to give them praise and support for their efforts. Also, it gives them quality control feedback on the product that they are marketing. So in return this was her reply to my letter and this is what she wrote to me in return:

"BEAUTIFUL!!!! You made my day!!I have your email and photo in a special folder and each time I readit, it makes me smile.My favorite is the one with the sides up because your smile is soooooomuch like someone who just knows they look good!!! :)I love it!I had to thank you for sending this to me.I will most likely add it to the website sometime this weekend... it is too good not to! :)Thanks again,I can't tell you how great it made me feel." ~Carole

Not only that she posted my pics and letter on her website. Check it out on the loc loops website. I feel like such a mini web sisterlock celebrity in my own right!! Now I wish I had been dressed with my eyebrows waxed and some makeup on but my hair looks good nonetheless. I guess that'll teach me to share just any 'ole photo!!

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